Paper Jet 14

Paper Jet 14
Hull#001 Built by Dudley Dix

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Deck is Sanded!

So it's been a very long time since I dedicated time to working on this project. I had to get our Catalina 18 ready for a 9 day sailing trip in Lake Havasu during the middle of February that took a lot of time! After which we seemed to have one event after the other that was pulling me away from the boat.

So, after 3 months of not touching the boat, I put on my tyvex suit and went to work and finished sanding the deck this weekend! So she is now ready for some minor fairing prior to the primer going on!

I on purpose did not sand any of the bright work which I will do once I get ready to apply the finished coat to the deck. I must admit I am not a big fan of sanding epoxy! It is almost hard work!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the post
    I really enjoyed your blog
    I want to install the mast and boom and sail
    where did you buy the sail?
    could you let me know the website?
    my email address is
