Today was a big day for the boat! I attached the side skins on without too much theatrics! For the most part everything went smooth with the attachment, and I have it on and epoxied in place. I had a little bit of a challenge finguring out how to hold the front part against the bow transom since the clamps kept sliding off. I ended up cheating and drilling some additional holes through the side panels and the bow transom and using zip ties. I figured it worked well for the rest of the boat, therefore, it should work well here. There was a small gap at the bow transom where the side skin met the bottom panel which I could not get rid of no matter how much force I put on the zip ties. The good news was it is small enough that the epoxy fillet material filled it in without too many problems.
Talking about the epoxy fillet material... Tod
Now I'm going to wait a good 2 -3 days to let the whole mess set up prior to removing all the zip ties and proceeding with the next step.
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