Made some decent progress this weekend! I started out by sanding the remainder of the deck to smooth things off prior to the installation of the deck doublers. I also busted out the fairing epoxy to smooth out the deck in the area of the butt joints since the doublers overlap the joint, and also since the cross member also overlaps the joints.
While the fairing epoxy set I decided to cut out the remainder of the parts so that I could be ready for the last steps. I ended up using my Harbor Freight vibrating saw which made easy work of it. I also used my "Cosco special" generic Dremel tool to clean up the insides of the mast steps rings which also worked really well!. I did notice though that the inside circles of the rings where not so round. Looks like there must be a glitch with the cutting file! Seems like I may have to fair the inside of them to make them round!
As you can see the Kit number is nicely routed into the cross member - #40!
Once everything set up I sanded down the area that I faired, and started the process of fitting the cross member to the hull. I started out by locating the center of the cross member @ 2800 mm from the transom. The plans also give dimensions to where the extremities of the cross member cross the gunwales, so I marked those off also. I then proceeded to spend the next couple of hours sanding, fitting, sanding some more, fitting, until finally all fit well. For whatever reason I noticed that the edges of the cross members tie into the top of the gunwales perfectly on all four corners which is a bit of a head scratcher since in theory it should be 4mm below... I guess there will be some fitting involved when I install the cross deck. The part that is a little confusing is that it seemed the rest of the hull was 4mm higher than the frames when I was installing the wing deck panels - go figure. I filleted everything into place, and used some of my dive weights to keep the whole thing in place!
I finished up the weekend by installing the deck doublers in place and weighing them down to ensure a good tight fit.
Next steps will be to install the cross deck structure and start gluing up the mast step pieces!